Radio Nueva Ya is a radio broadcaster operated by the government of Nicaragua. It was launched in 1990.

Media assets

Radio: La Nueva Radio Ya

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

The management of Radio Nueva Ya is selected by the Nicaraguan government, mainly by the Presidency, from among the journalists supportive of the Sandinista movement. The station is owned by the government through a company called Entretenimiento Digital.

Source of funding and budget

Radio Nueva Ya is fully funded by the Nicaraguan government, according to local journalists in Managua.

Editorial independence

Editorially controlled by the government, Radio Nueva Ya is openly embracing propaganda that supports the government of Nicaragua. Their journalists often speak openly about their support for the Sandinista government.

No domestic statute and no independent assessment/oversight mechanism to validate the editorial independence of Radio Nueva Ya have been identified.

August 2023