Radio Television Ceuta (RTVCE)

Radio Televisión Ceuta (RTVCE) is the public broadcaster that covers the autonomous city area of Ceuta. It runs both television and radio services. The station was established in 2000.

Media assets

Television: TV Ceuta

Radio: Radio Ceuta

State Media Matrix Typology: Independent State-Funded and State-Managed (ISFM)

Ownership and governance

RTVCE is a public entity belonging to the local government of Ceuta. There is no information detailing the internal administrative rules at RTVCE. According to local journalists and experts, RTVCE’s highest governance structure is its Board of Directors whose members are appointed by the Ceuta authorities.

Source of funding and budget

RTVCE is entirely funded through an allocation from the local government of Ceuta. The 2021 government allocation for RTVCE is worth €2.7m, according to information published in the media. No more up-to-date information about the broadcaster’s budget has been released to date.

Editorial independence

There is no evidence of systematic editorial control by the government at RTVCE.

There is no statute and no independent mechanism of assessment or oversight that would validate the editorial independence of RTVCE.

September 2023