Kuwait Radio is the official state-run radio broadcaster in Kuwait. The broadcaster runs seven channels.

Media assets

Radio: Kuwait FM, AlQuran Alkarem, Super, Kuwait Radio One, Youth Voice, The Old Arabic Singing, Easy FM

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

Kuwait Radio is owned and run by the Ministry of Information in Kuwait. The station is literally part of the ministry, operating as a ministry unit, fully staffed by people employed through the ministry.

Source of funding and budget

Kuwait Radio is funded almost entirely through state subsidies that are included in the Ministry of Information budget.

Editorial independence

As a ministry agency, Kuwait Radio closely follows a set of editorial rules imposed on the station by the ministry. The Ministry of Information provides the station’s management with strict instructions on how to cover every possible theme, especially those related to politics, according to our own intel gathered via scholars based in Qatar.

No domestic statute and no independent assessment/oversight mechanism that would validate the independence of Kuwait Radio have been identified.

August 2023