Ens Public de Radiotelevisio de les Illes Baleares (EPRTVIB)

L’Ens Públic de Radiotelevisió de les Illes Balears (EPRTVIB) is a public broadcaster established in 2004 that runs a television division (running the channels IB3 Televisió and IB3 Sat) and a radio broadcaster (IB3 Ràdio). It covers the Balearic Islands, a Spanish region.

Media assets

Television: IB3 (HD)

Radio: IB3 Ràdio

State Media Matrix Typology: Independent State-Funded and State-Managed (ISFM)

Ownership and governance

EPRTVIB was established through Law No. 15 of 2010 as a public company owned by the local government in the Balearic Islands.

The station’s highest governing structure is the Board of Directors that consists of the Director General and nine other members, all elected by the regional Parliament in the Balearic Islands. The Director General is also appointed directly by the Parliament.

Source of funding and budget

EPRTVIB is funded through a combination of state funding and commercial revenues. The station had a budget of almost €33m in 2022, most of it coming from the local government.

Editorial independence

There is no indication or evidence of government control of the editorial agenda at EPRTVIB. However, there are strong indications that the People’s Party (PP) is planning to exert control over the editorial agenda of the station. Following a strategy similar to the public broadcaster in the Madrid region, the PP government in the Balearic Islands is planning a series of legal amendments aimed at giving them tight control over the EPRTVIB. As part of the plan, the regional authorities want to push out the current director of the EPRTVIB, Andreu Manresa.

The law that established EPRTVIB states that the broadcaster’s editorial independence is guaranteed.

According to the law that established EPRTVIB, a Content and Programming Advisory Council is tasked to assist the broadcaster’s management with suggestions and recommendations aimed at improving the broadcaster’s programming. The Council has 15 members who are appointed by the regional Parliament.

September 2023