Al-Qarn is an Arabic-language newspaper that was set up in 1977, the year when Djibouti gained its independence.

Media assets

Publishing: Al-Qarn

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

Al-Qarn is owned by the government. The newspaper’s management is appointed by the government. The editing manager of the paper is named by the head of the presidential office, according to information collected by local journalists in 2020.

Source of funding and budget

There is no information about the sources of funding for Al-Qarn. According to information from local journalists collected in 2020 and an interview with a journalist in Djibouti conducted by the Media and Journalism Research Center in September 2023, the government fully funds the newspaper.

Editorial independence

Al-Qarn is a newspaper that openly promotes the government’s policies and interests, according to information collected by local journalists in 2020.

No domestic statute and no independent mechanism to validate the editorial independence of Al-Qarn have been identified.

June 2024