Angola Press Agency (ANGOP)

Angola Press Agency (ANGOP) is Angola’s official news agency. The outlet was founded back in 1975.

Media assets

News agency: ANGOP

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

ANGOP is a state owned company that is accountable to the Ministry of Telecommunications, IT and Social Communication. The agency’s board of directors, consisting of seven members, is appointed by state authorities led by the Presidential Office President.

Source of funding and budget

ANGOP is almost entirely funded by state subsidies. In 2020, it operated with a budget of AOA 3.4bn (US$ 5.7m), most of which (99%) came from the state budget, according to the latest available annual report. In the period 2020-2022, the agency received a total of AOA 11.22bn (US$ 25m at 2022 exchange rate) in state subsidies, which made ANGOP the fourth largest recipient of state funds in the country after the state broadcasters TPA and RNA and the publisher Edições Novembro, according to data from a government budget documented consulted for this project.

Editorial independence

No explicit rules require ANGOP to cover the government in a favorable light. However, authorities indirectly control the editorial coverage of ANGOP, according to local journalists and experts, and ad hoc content analysis was conducted for this project.

No statue and no oversight or assessment mechanism to validate ANGOP’s editorial independence have been identified.

June 2024