Publications de Presse Burundaise (PPB)

Publications de Presse Burundaise (PPB) is a government-run publications unit that controls the newspapers Le Renouveau and Ubumwe, being also in charge of printing and disseminating various government brochures.

Media assets

Publishing: Le Renouveau du Burundi, Ubumwe

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

PPB is government-controlled and was established under Decree No. 100/0112 of 2019. The company’s executives, including the chief editors of PPB’s papers, are appointed by the President based on the recommendation of the minister of communication. The latest appointments of all these executives were made in March 2021.

Source of funding and budget

PPB is government-funded as a directorate in the Ministry of Communication. It also generates revenues by charging for announcements and advertisements. In 2019, PPB received a state subsidy of BIF 1bn (US$ 563,000), which was more than 50% of the unit’s budget. The publisher is apparently grappling with financial problems. Its management said several years ago that, without advertising money, Le Renouveau risked folding.

In 2021, PPB received a state subsidy of BIF 1.1bn (US$ 546,000), according to the latest report from the finance ministry. According to the state budget for 2023-2024, PPB received a state subsidy of BIF 1.7bn (US$ 603,000).

Editorial independence

The editorial policy of PPB is biased towards the government since it is a state department operating under a government directorate reporting to a minister and abiding by government rules and regulations, according to local experts and journalists.

No domestic statute that establishes the editorial independence of the PPB has been identified.

Observatoire de la Presse du Burundi, an NGO, plays a general oversight role in the media in Burundi. However, PPB has no oversight or assessment mechanism to validate the editorial independence of the publisher.

June 2024