Radio Hargeysa is a state-run radio channel established in 1943 in the former British-run Somaliland protectorate.

Media assets

Radio: Radio Hargeysa

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

Radio Hargeysa is subordinated to the Ministry of Information and National Guidance, which appoints its management.

Source of funding and budget

There is no detailed information about Radio Hargeysa’s sources of funding. According to local journalists and foreign experts who worked in Somalia, Radio Hargeysa is fully financed by the government.

Editorial independence

Radio Hargeysa is widely known as a propaganda channel of the Somaliland government. There is no domestic statute that establishes the independence of Radio Hargeysa. There is no domestic statute and no independent mechanism to validate the editorial independence of Radio Hargeysa.

June 2024