Sudan News Agency (SUNA)

Established in 1971, Sudan News Agency (SUNA) is the official news agency in Sudan. It produces news output in Arabic, English and French.

Media assets

News agency: SUNA

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

SUNA is run by the Ministry of Information, which makes all the decisions related to the outlet’s management.

Source of funding and budget

According to experts in African media consulted for this project in March 2024, SUNA is funded through a state subsidy allocated by the government. There is no publicly available information about the agency’s budget.

Editorial independence

SUNA is a propaganda channel of the Sudanese government, its editorial agenda being entirely under government control.

There is no domestic statute and no oversight or assessment mechanism in place at SUNA that would validate the editorial independence of the agency.

June 2024