Agence Congolaise de Presse (ACP)

Agence Congolaise de Presse (ACP) is the government news agency of the DR Congo. It used to operate as Agence Zaïre Presse (AZAP) when the country was known as Zaire.

Media assets

News agency: ACP

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

By decree 09/50 of 2009, ACP was given the statute of public establishment. The highest governing body at ACP is its Board of Directors, which is appointed by the President of the republic.

ACP is accountable to the ministry in charge of media and communications in the DR Congo.

Source of funding and budget

There is no publicly available financial data about the finances of ACP. According to law, the government is to provide the largest part of ACP’s budget.

Editorial independence

Although authorities do not explicitly require the ACP to provide coverage favorable to the government, the news agency is known as a government propaganda outlet, according to experts on DR Congo and an ad hoc content analysis.

No domestic statute or oversight or assessment mechanism to validate the ACP’s editorial independence have been identified.

July 2024