Agence Nigérienne de Presse (ANP)

Agence Nigerienne de Presse (ANP) is the official news agency of the state of Niger.

Media assets

News agency: ANP

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

ANP is a government-owned agency belonging to the Ministry of Communication. The government appoints the Director General, the highest authority at ANP.

Source of funding and budget

According to local experts and journalists, ANP is majority funded through a government subsidy. In 2017, it operated with a total budget of CFA 83.5m (US$150,000), of which 72% was accounted for by government funding. No more recent financial data about ANP has been made public. No more recent data about the ANP’s budget is available.

Editorial independence

There are no explicit rules requiring ANP to ensure editorial coverage favorable to the government. Yet, the government has full control over ANP’s editorial coverage through the appointment of the agency’s management. An ad hoc content analysis identified a clear pro-government bias in the agency’s overall coverage.

No domestic statute or independent oversight or assessment mechanism to validate ANP’s editorial independence has been identified.

July 2024