Canal 22 started broadcasting in 1993 as a metropolitan cultural channel. It was a free-to-air television station that covered the capital city and its surrounding areas. Today, Channel 22 operates in the CDMX and Metropolitan Area, with 25 transmitters in other regions of the country. It is also available on paid platforms such as cable and satellite across the entire country. Canal 22 has a cultural focus and airs documentaries, films, cultural news, as well as entertainment and televised debates.

Media assets

Television: Canal 22

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

Canal 22 is owned by the Ministry of Culture. The channel’s general director is appointed by the President of the Republic. All other employees are hierarchically subordinated to the channel’s top management.

Source of funding and budget

In 2022, Canal 22 operated with a budget of MXN 135.5m (US$ 6.7m), according to media sources. In 2023, the channel received a 4.57% increased budget of MXN 141.7m (US$ 8.46m). The channel generates additional income by selling sponsorships and other commercial products, but over 50% of its resources come from state funding.

Editorial independence

Canal 22 has esteemed collaborators, its content typically reflects diversity and it is praised for its high quality. In the past, however, there were instances when the station was accused of censorship during the government of Enrique Peña Nieto. More recently, independent journalists have raised questions about certain propaganda elements in the channel’s programs that favor the new government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO). For instance, a new show featuring government-friendly cartoonists criticizing opponents and conducting friendly interviews with government officials was added to Canal 22’s programming after López Obrador became president.

The pressures on Canal 22’s journalists have increased in recent years, especially for those involved in investigations. As a result, we moved the outlet to the State-Controlled category per our taxonomy in July 2024.

There is no specific law for Canal 22 or other instruments that effectively prevent government intervention in Canal 22’s editorial coverage. Canal 22 has internal rulebooks that offer programming guidelines. However, they do not qualify as a domestic statute establishing the channel’s editorial independence.

Canal 22 has a Code of Ethics and an Ombudsman. The Ombudsman serves as a mechanism to ensure independent assessment and oversight of the channel’s editorial policy.

July 2024