National News Agency (NNA)

The state-owned National News Agency (NNA) is the main news agency in Lebanon, with a history going back to 1961.

Media assets

News agency: NNA

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

NNA operates as a directorate under the Ministry of Information, which makes all the decisions related to the agency’s management.

Source of funding and budget

NNA is funded primarily through a subsidy from the state budget approved by the government, according to local experts and journalists working with the Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC).

Editorial independence

NNA is run as a directorate of a government ministry, and hence, its editorial policy is fully controlled by the government. As a result, the agency follows the government line and never criticizes the authorities. In the few cases when it tried to do so, its management was changed immediately. The last time that happened was in October 2019, when the NNA’s Director General was ousted as the agency decided to cover the anti-government protests that erupted in the country.

No domestic statute and no independent mechanism that would validate the editorial independence of Radio Liban have been identified.

July 2024