Radio Mauritanie is the state radio broadcaster in Mauritania.

Media assets

Radio: Radio Mauritanie

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

Radio Mauritanie is a state-owned company (public establishment with public capital) subordinated to Mauritania’s Ministry of Finance and Economy. The government appoints the board of directors at the station (the prime minister appoints the board chair).

Source of funding and budget

Radio Mauritanie is highly dependent on the state budget, which secures the largest part of the broadcaster’s budget. In 2020, Radio Mauritanie operated with a state subsidy of MRU 104m (US$ 2.8m), according to data from media reports.

Editorial independence

The government imposes no formal rules on Radio Mauritanie to follow a pro-government line. However, local experts and journalists and an ad hoc content analysis indicated that the station’s coverage is pro-governmental, focused mostly on reporting on government activities.

No domestic statute or oversight or assessment mechanism to validate Radio Mauritanie’s editorial independence has been identified.

July 2024