Radio Nacional de Honduras (RNH)

Radio Nacional de Honduras (RNH) is a radio broadcaster that began operating in March 1976 during the military junta rule in Honduras. The broadcaster has consistently relied on government funding. Presently, the radio station’s coverage is limited to specific areas in Honduras, including the capital city of Tegucigalpa, as well as the towns of San Pedro Sula, Santa Bárbara, Copán, Ocotepeque, and Lempira.

Media assets

Radio: Radio Nacional de Honduras (RNH)

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

The RNH, like the TNH, is directly subordinate to the presidential office, specifically to the Office for Communication and Presidential Strategy. The director of RNH is appointed directly by the President of the Republic, the Presidential Office Press Secretary, and the Minister of Communication and Strategy, on a rotational basis.

Source of funding and budget

The Secretariat of the Honduran Presidency allocates a portion of its budget to RNH, which relies entirely on state funding to operate. Advertising is prohibited on state media, including TNH and RNH. In recent years, RNH has experienced substantial funding reductions, hindering the station’s ability to invest in modernizing its operations.

Editorial independence

The Office of Communication and Strategy for the presidency has full control over the content and editorial direction of RNH. The programs consistently align with the government’s official propaganda and are consistently supportive of the government. An informal content analysis of RNH’s content conducted in 2021 revealed a clear propagandistic tone. For instance, every Saturday at 10 a.m., RNH broadcast a show called “La Patrulla” (The Patrol), which was produced by the national police to promote their work. The show also featured friendly interviews with high-ranking officials who primarily discuss their accomplishments. A new content analysis conducted in May 2024 found a strong bias favoring the current government in Honduras.

In spring 2024, the state media in Honduras were criticized for providing extensive coverage to future candidates of the political party Libre, which is currently in power.

No domestic statute or independent assessment/oversight mechanism to validate the independence of RNH has been identified. The Office of Communication and Presidential Strategy is responsible for the editorial policy of the station.

July 2024