Radio Nicaragua is a radio broadcaster operated by the government of Nicaragua.

Media assets

Radio: Radio Nicaragua

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

The management of Radio Nicaragua is selected by the Nicaraguan government, mainly by the Presidency. According to our local experts interviewed for this report in May 2024, the station is fully owned by the government.

Source of funding and budget

Radio Nicaragua is fully funded by the Nicaraguan government. According to a budget report seen by the Media and Journalism Research Center, in 2022, the station operated with a total budget of NIO 23.8m (US$660,000).

Editorial independence

Editorially controlled by the government, Radio Nicaragua openly supports the government of Nicaragua. Most of its content openly promotes and praises the Presidency. The channel, for example, hosts a repository of the speeches made by President Ortega and his wife.

The latest round of research did not identify a domestic statute establishing Radio Nicaragua’s editorial independence, and no independent assessment/oversight mechanism to validate it was identified.

July 2024