Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting (AzTV)

The origins of Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting can be traced back to 1926 when Azerbaijan Radio was established. Further progress was made in 1956 when the Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting company was established, marking the commencement of Azerbaijan Television’s broadcasting. 

Media assets

Television: AzTV, Idman Azerbaijan TV, Medeniyyet TV

Radio: Radio Azerbaijan

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

AzTV is a wholly state-owned, closed joint-stock company established through the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan under the number 213. The key leadership roles at the Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting, including the chair, vice-chair, and the boards of directors for both television and radio channels, are appointed directly by the President of the country.

Source of funding and budget

Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting (AzTV) has been entirely financed by state subsidies for over six decades. In 2020 alone, the broadcaster received a subsidy of AZN 33m (US$ 19.4m) from the government. Despite being legally obligated to disclose its financial reports due to its government-funded nature, the broadcaster has consistently failed to make this information public. Investigative journalists interviewed for this report in March 2023 and January 2024 said that some of the funds allocated to the broadcaster have been funneled through companies based in offshore territories such as the Virgin Islands and the UAE. These companies are suspected to be controlled by Azeri government officials and are believed to be integral to their money laundering operations.

AzTV had net earnings of AZN 19.37m in 2023, ABC.AZ reported. In January 2023, AzTV has assets worth AZN 34.8m.

Editorial independence

Like every broadcaster in Azerbaijan, AzTV is completely aligned with the government. According to journalists specializing in Azerbaijan interviewed for this report in March 2023 and January 2024, its programs exclusively present the government’s policies and viewpoints.

No domestic statute or independent assessment/oversight mechanism to validate the AzTV’s editorial independence has been identified.

August 2024