Bulgarian News Agency (BTA)

Founded in 1898 through a decree issued by Prince Ferdinand I, the Bulgarian News Agency (BTA) serves as Bulgaria’s national newswire.

Media assets

News agency: BTA

State Media Matrix Typology: Independent State Funded and State Managed (ISFM)

Ownership and governance

BTA is governed by a Statute enacted by parliament in June 1994, which states that the agency is “an independent national news organization.” Its director general is appointed by Parliament.

Source of funding and budget

BTA is funded through a mix of revenue sources, including proceeds from content sales and advertising as well as government subsidies.

In 2023, the government allocated over BGN 12.2m (US$ 6.8m) to the BTA. The agency generated around BGN 775,000 in commercial revenue, according to a company annual report.

Editorial independence

Although BTA’s editorial coverage is constantly subjected to political pressures, there is no recent evidence of government influence on the agency’s editorial line.

The agency is protected by a domestic statute ensuring its independent editorial policy and shielding it from economic and political pressures.

There is no independent assessment/oversight mechanism that would validate BTA’s editorial independence.

August 2024