Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

The Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is the public broadcaster in Barbados. It was established in 1963 as Radio Barbados. CBC operates TV 8, which is the only legally licensed television channel in Barbados, as well as three radio stations. Additionally, the broadcaster operates a wireless Cable TV service known as Multi-Choice TV.

Media assets

Television: TV8

Radio: CBC Radio, The One, Q-100.7

Ownership and governance

The Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is a state-owned corporation established by the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation Act of 1963. It operates under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister’s Office. Over the past 20 years, attempts have been made to transform CBC into a publicly listed company and to privatize it, but these plans have never been realized. The most recent legal change occurred in 2019 with an amendment to the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation Act, which transformed the position of General Manager into a CEO role.

Source of funding and budget

The CBC relies on the state budget to operate. According to estimates from 2023, the corporation has accumulated a debt of approximately BBD 100m (US$50 m). Due to cashflow issues, the company frequently has to postpone salary payments. In March 2023, media reported that the Barbados government announced a cash injection of approximately BBD 7m to help the broadcaster cover its debts, including salaries.

Editorial independence

The government has significant influence over the editorial agenda at the CBC. According to interviews with journalists in Barbados in March 2024, the broadcaster has been acting as a government propaganda channel for years. They claim that the broadcaster often airs the views of government officials while rarely engaging in critical reporting. The nightly news show on CBC’s television channel has been labeled as a “ministerial parade.”

The Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation Act of 1963 requires CBC to provide “high-quality” broadcasting services. However, no domestic statute establishes the broadcaster’s editorial independence. Our research did not identify an independent any assessment or oversight mechanism to validate the editorial independence of CBC’s channels either.

August 2024