Corporacion de Radio Television de Galicia (CRTVG)

The Galician Radio and Television Corporation (CRTVG) was established in 2016 as the successor of the Galician Radio-Television Company, the flagship broadcaster of the region of Galicia, which began broadcasting in 1985. One of CRTVG’s key roles is to improve and protect the Galician language and culture. CRTVG airs television channels focused on the region and the world, as well as three radio channels.

Media assets

Television: TVG, G2, TVG Europa, TVG América

Radio: Radio Galega, Radio Galega Música, Son Galicia Radio

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

Established through Law No. 9 of 1984, CRTVG is a company with its legal status owned by the Galician government. It is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of seven members, one of whom is the station’s general manager. All members of the Board are elected by the Galician Parliament, including the general manager.

Source of funding and budget

The General Administration of the Autonomous Government of Galicia owns CRTVG’s share capital. The broadcaster is funded through advertising revenues and a subsidy from the local government, which is approved annually by the Galician regional government.

In 2020, CRTVG had a total budget of €111m, with over 91% of it coming from a regional government subsidy and the rest from ad sales revenue, as stated in the company’s annual report. In 2023, CRTVG operated with a budget of €126.6m, with the majority, €118.7m, sourced from the regional government, as per the annual report.

Editorial independence

CRTVG often faces government pressure, but its journalists resist attempts to control the broadcaster’s editorial coverage. In recent years, the broadcaster’s journalists have protested against these pressures.

Despite these challenges, the government of Galicia did not control CRTVG’s editorial coverage, allowing the broadcaster to work independently and respond aggressively to any attempts to manipulate its content.

The law that established CRTVG is designed to ensure the broadcaster’s editorial independence. An internal rulebook called “Guiding criteria for the editorial direction of CRTVG” also establishes rules to ensure quality and unbiased editorial coverage.

However, in the past two years, political pressures on the broadcaster, particularly from the Popular Party (PP), which holds the majority in the regional Parliament, have led to increased strikes by CRTVG personnel. Moreover, accusations of censorship have also intensified.

There is no specific mechanism in place to oversee or evaluate CRTVG’s programming to confirm its editorial independence.

August 2024