Politika is a Serbian daily newspaper, the oldest daily newspaper still in operation in the Balkans.

Media assets

Publishing: Politika

Ownership and governance

Politika is run by the publishing house Politika Novine i Magazini, a company 50%-owned by the Serbian government. The other half has been for years in the hands of Miroslav Bogicevic who took over the stake from the German-owned publisher WAZ, Politika’s previous owner, in 2012. Bogicevic sold his stake in Politika Novine i Magazini in late 2021 to Boban Rajic, owner of Novosti daily, a pro-government tabloid newspaper.

Source of funding and budget

Politika is funded through a combination of subscriptions, advertising and government funding (in the form of state advertising and state aid). Without financial data, it can’t be established whether the newspaper is majority funded by the government.

Editorial independence

Politika is known for its pro-government editorial agenda, according to local experts and journalists. There are no rules imposed on the outlet by the government, yet through its ownership, the government has a significant say in the newspaper’s editorial affairs.

No domestic statute or independent mechanism of assessment or oversight to validate Politika’s editorial independence has been identified.

August 2024