Public Radio of Armenia

Public Radio of Armenia, a prominent public broadcast media outlet in Armenia, has a history dating back to 1926. It manages three nationwide channels, offering its listeners a wide range of programming. In addition to its domestic operations, the broadcaster also runs an international channel, Radio Yerevan, extending its reach beyond national borders.

Media assets

Radio: Public Radio of Armenia

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

The Public Radio of Armenia has the same status and is governed in the same way (has the same body) as the Public Television of Armenia. Its highest governing body is the Council of Public Broadcaster, which also regulates the Public Television of Armenia.

Source of funding and budget

The Public Radio of Armenia is primarily funded by the state budget, similar to the funding model of the Public Television of Armenia, according to company data.  In 2022, the radio broadcaster received a total state allocation of AMD 6.3bn (US$ 16m), according to data from IREX.

Editorial independence

While the Public Radio of Armenia is more closely aligned with the ideal of an independent public radio than its television counterpart, its audience reach is significantly smaller. This lower viewership likely contributes to less governmental interference, as authorities are less invested in controlling a broadcaster with a smaller reach.

However, over the past year, the content of Public Radio of Armenia has shown an increased bias toward the government. An ad hoc content analysis carried out in March 2023 and June 2024 revealed that the station increasingly resembles a propaganda platform. For instance, it extensively covers all the working visits that Armenian state dignitaries make to foreign countries, adopting a typical state media approach to politics. 

No domestic statute, independent assessment, or oversight mechanism has been identified to validate the editorial independence of the Public Radio of Armenia.

August 2024