Ràdio i Televisió d’Andorra (RTVA)

Radio and Television of Andorra, known in Catalan as Ràdio i Televisió d’Andorra (RTVA), is the public broadcaster in the Principality of Andorra. The broadcaster was founded in 2000, replacing the radio and television company, Radio and Television Agency of Andorra (ORTA).

Media assets

Television: Andorra Televisió

Radio: Ràdio Nacional d’Andorra

Ownership and governance

Radio and Television of Andorra (RTVA) is a joint-stock company owned by the government of Andorra. The company was established by the Law on Public Broadcasting and Television and on the creation of the public company Ràdio i Televisió d’Andorra, which was adopted in 2000.

RTVA is governed by a board of shareholders appointed by the government, which also names the company’s general manager.

Source of funding and budget

RTVA receives the majority of its funding from the Andorran government. According to an official document, in 2024, the government approved a budget of €5.36m for RTVA.

Editorial independence

The government does not impose any formal rules on RTVA to provide favorable coverage. However, the broadcaster’s editorial agenda is influenced to a large extent by the government, as per assessments from Reporters Without Borders (RSF) supported by information from journalists working in Andorra who were interviewed for this report in April 2024.

RTVA is required by law to adhere to a set of general principles outlined in the Constitution of the Principality of Andorra. Its programming must, among other things, uphold the objectivity, truthfulness, and impartiality of the information, as well as freedom of expression and information, and political, cultural, and social diversity. However, these legal provisions do not ensure the broadcaster’s editorial independence.

No independent mechanism to assess or oversee the RTVA’s editorial independence has been identified. 

August 2024