Real TV is an all-news television channel launched in 2018 in Azerbaijan.

Media assets

Television: Real TV

State Media Matrix Typology: Captured Private (CaPr)

Ownership and governance

Public information regarding Real TV’s ownership is currently unavailable, though it is understood to be controlled by private entities. According to investigative journalists from Azerbaijan interviewed for this report in March 2024, the station is believed to be controlled by the president’s family.

Real TV is operated by a team of journalists who previously worked for ANS, a pro-government station that was shut down by the Azerbaijani government in 2016. The closure was a result of pressure from Turkish authorities, as ANS had planned to broadcast an interview with Fethullah Gulen, a US-based cleric accused of orchestrating a coup in Turkey.

Source of funding and budget

Public information regarding Real TV’s budget is not available; therefore, it cannot be substantiated that the station is funded by the state. 

Editorial independence

According to Azeri journalists and experts interviewed for this report in March 2024, Real TV openly supports President Aliyev and closely aligns with the government’s agenda.

No domestic statute or independent assessment mechanism to validate Real TV’s editorial independence has been identified.

August 2024