Based on data collected by the Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC), there are 27 newspapers currently being published in Turkmenistan. Except for Zaman Turkmenistan, all of these newspapers are state-owned entities.

According to our records, the most notable newspapers that are still in operation include: 

  • Neytralny Turkmenistan (the main newspaper of Turkmenistan)

Language: Russian

  • Neutral Turkmenistan

Language: English

  • Turkmenistan (another major newspaper in Turkmenistan)
  • Watan (meaning “homeland” in Turkmen) with a history going back to the Soviet-era when it was run as Yash Kommunistler (meaning “young communists”)
  • Nesil (meaning “generation” in Turkmen), a newspaper owned by the official state youth organization
  • Turkmen Sporty, a newspaper owned by the State Sports Committee
  • Mugallymlar Gazeti (meaning “newspaper of teachers”), a newspaper administered by the Ministry of Education
  • Adalat (meaning “justice” in Turkmen), a newspaper administered by the Ministry of Justice
  • Nebit-Gaz (meaning “oil and gas” in Turkmen), administered by the Ministry of Oil and Gas
  • Edebiyat we Sungat (meaning “literature and art: in Turkmen), a newspaper administered by the Ministry of Culture and Broadcasting
  • Bereketli Toprak (meaning “fertile land” in Turkmen), a newspaper administered by the Ministry of Agriculture
  • Turkmenin Yupek Yoly (meaning “silk Turkemn road” in Turkmen), a newspaper administered by the Ministry of Railways
  • Esger (meaning “soldier” in Turkmen), a newspaper administered by the Ministry of Defense
  • Galkynysh (meaning “development” in Turkmen), a newspaper administered by the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan that has been in power, uninterruptedly, since 1991

Media assets

Publishing: Newspapers- Neytralny Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan, Watan, Nesil, Turkmen Sporty, Mugallymlar Gazeti, Adalat, Nebit-Gaz, Edebiyat we Sungat, Bereketli Toprak, Turkmenin Yupek Yoly, Esger, Galkynysh; Magazines- Dunya Edebiyaty, Garagum, Saglyk, Altyn Asyr Ykdysadyyeti, Gunesh, Taze Oba, Diyar

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

The State Publishing Office owns and governs all the newspapers and online media in Turkmenistan. 

Source of funding and budget

The State Publishing Office, the government agency responsible for managing the government’s print media operations, mainly funds itself through newspaper subscriptions. However, the government mandates the population to subscribe to a newspaper, often not of their own choosing. This gives the authorities complete control over the finances of the print media, as per our records and experts focused on Turkmenistan interviewed for this report in May 2024.

Editorial independence

The State Publishing Office, a government entity, holds complete authority over the editorial direction of its print media outlets. As with all media outlets in the nation, the office’s newspapers are mandated to laud former President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, and his son Serdar, who took over the presidency in March 2022. A prominent daily feature is a large picture of the president gracing their front pages. Additionally, according to our records and experts who specialize in Turkmenistan affairs interviewed for this report in May 2024, individual ministries are granted editorial and administrative control over these newspapers.

No domestic statute or independent mechanism establishing and validating the editorial independence of the newspapers published by the State Publishing Office has been identified.

August 2024