Radio Televisión (RTV) Melilla is the public broadcaster in the autonomous city of Melilla. It was launched in 1994.

Media assets

Television: Televisión Melilla

Radio: Onda Melilla

State Media Matrix Typology: Independent State-Funded and State-Managed (ISFM)

Ownership and governance

RTV Melilla is operated by the public corporation INMUSA. No publicly available details about its governance are available. Local experts and journalists suggest that the highest authority of the broadcaster is a Board of Directors whose members are appointed by the local authorities.

Source of funding and budget

Local authorities entirely fund RTV Melilla. In 2020, the company received a subsidy from local authorities worth approximately €3.2m, as reported in the media. In 2022, RTV Melilla had a total budget of €3.9m, according to the company’s data.

Editorial independence

There is no evidence of systematic editorial control by the government of TVM.

There is no statute or independent mechanism of assessment or oversight that would validate the editorial independence of TVM.

August 2024