Television y Radio de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

The radio and television outlets of the National University of Colombia are overseen by Unidad de Medios de Comunicación (Unimedios), an arm of the institution dedicated to academic media. Launched in 1991, UN Radio serves audiences in Bogotá, the capital, as well as in Medellín. Meanwhile, UN Televisión operates exclusively online, offering a diverse lineup focused on national and international news, thought-provoking debates, and in-depth analyses driven by the expertise of academics.

Media assets

Television: UN Televisión

Radio: UN Radio

State Media Matrix Typology

Independent State-Funded (ISF)

Ownership and governance

The National University of Colombia, which oversees UN Radio and UN Televisión, functions independently of government influence. University autonomy is enshrined in Article 69 of the Colombian Constitution, affirming that “universities may establish their own rules and be governed by their own statutes, in accordance with the law.”

Source of funding and budget

Financial support for UN Radio and UN Television is drawn from the public university that oversees these broadcasters, along with contributions from sponsoring entities like the Ministry of Culture. By design, these broadcasters operate with their hands tied when it comes to airing advertisements.

Editorial independence

The government steers clear of meddling in the content produced by university broadcasters, upholding their autonomy and ensuring their editorial independence. An impromptu content analysis conducted by a local expert for this report reveals that university broadcasters frequently air programming critical of the government.

Both the station’s style manual and its code of ethics serve as guiding lights, safeguarding the public’s right to access credible and impartial information.

However, during the course of research for this report, no concrete mechanism was identified to formally substantiate the editorial independence of UN Radio and UN Televisión.

March 2025