Turk Medya Group is a media conglomerate that manages a portfolio of five print publications, three television channels, and two radio stations.

Media assets

Publishing: Newspapers- Akşam Gazetesi, Güneş Gazetesi, Star; Magazines- Alem, Platin

Television: 24TV, 360, TV4

Radio: Alem FM, Lig Radyo

State Media Matrix Typology: Captured Private (CaPr)

Ownership and governance

Turk Medya was established following the acquisition of Es Yayincilik by businessman Zeki Yesildag in 2017. The company, previously owned by entrepreneur Ethem Sancak, consisted of three television channels, three newspapers, and two radio stations. Zeki Yesildag now co-owns Turk Medya with his brother, Hasan Yesildag, who is widely recognized as a staunch supporter and ally of Erdogan.

Source of funding and budget

Public records detailing the revenues of media outlets operated by Turk Medya are non-existent. As with all media groups under the control of oligarchic structures aligned with the President, Turk Media receives significant funding from the government. However, local journalists have been unable to determine the proportion of government funding in the total budget of the media outlets managed by Turk Media. It is known, however, that a large portion of their funding also comes from ad sales. 

Editorial independence

Turk Medya’s media outlets have long mirrored the political stance of the ruling party, AKP, even prior to their acquisition by Zeki Yesildag in 2017. The previous proprietor, affluent businessman Ethem Sancak, was personally requested by Erdogan to oversee this media conglomerate. Upon his appointment to the AKP’s Central Decision and Administration Board in 2017, Sancak requested Erdogan’s approval to divest from the media business. Sancak has never been reticent about his admiration for Erdogan, once describing his sentiments towards the President as “passionate love.” 

The media outlets run by Turk Medya identify themselves as a fundamental pillar of the “New Turkey,” a term frequently used by Erdogan to articulate his vision for Turkey’s future. Zeki Yesildag maintains a close relationship with Erdogan. Previously, he was elected as a member of the Istanbul City Council representing Erdogan’s party. Moreover, Erdogan has frequently included Yesildag in his official overseas trips.

The most recent research round has not identified any statute that establishes the editorial independence of Turk Medya’s media outlets.

During the most recent research round for this report, no independent assessment or oversight mechanism was identified that could validate the editorial independence of Turk Medya’s media outlets. 

August 2024