Yeni Azerbaijan, translating to “New Azerbaijan,” is the official newspaper of the New Azerbaijan Party. This party, founded by the current president’s father in 1992, has held power since its inception.

Media assets

Publishing: Yeni Azerbaijan

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

Yeni Azerbaijan is a publication managed by the New Azerbaijan Party, a political entity that has dominated the country for nearly three decades. Given the blurred lines between the ruling party and the state in Azerbaijan, Yeni Azerbaijan can be essentially regarded as a state-owned media outlet.

Source of funding and budget

The opaque nature of the Azeri administration makes it challenging to ascertain the exact amount of funding Yeni Azerbaijan receives from the government. However, journalists who closely monitor Azerbaijan interviewed for this report in March 2024 suggest that Yeni Azerbaijan is entirely financed by the Azeri government. 

Editorial independence

According to Azeri journalists and experts interviewed for this report in March 2024, Yeni Azerbaijan openly supports President Aliyev and fully aligns with the government’s agenda. 

No domestic statute or independent assessment or oversight mechanism to validate Yeni Azerbaijan’s editorial independence has been identified.

August 2024