ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation, also known as ZIZ, is a radio and television broadcaster serving the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis. It operates a radio program and ZIZ Television, established in December 1972.

Media assets

Radio: ZIZ Radio, Big Wave 96.7

Television: ZIZ TV

Ownership and governance

ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation is a government-owned company in Saint Kitts and Nevis. It is governed by a 10-member board of directors (according to the latest information) appointed by the state.

Source of funding and budget

According to media experts covering the Caribbean interviewed for this report in May 2024, ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation relies on government funding to cover its operating costs. The company has not released financial data about its operation.

Editorial independence

According to media experts covering the Caribbean who were interviewed for this report in May 2024, ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation is known for favoring the government and has been criticized for avoiding coverage of opposition parties.

The politicization of the broadcaster’s editorial agenda intensified after Saju Ngalla was appointed as ZIZ’s general manager in June 2023. There are accusations that the management of ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation takes orders directly from the government, particularly from Prime Minister Terrance Drew.

No domestic statute establishing the editorial independence of ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation has been identified. No independent assessment or oversight mechanism to validate the corporation’s editorial independence has been identified in our research.

August 2024