Kampuchea Thmey Daily operates a daily publication and an online news portal.

Media assets

Publishing: Kampuchea Thmey Daily

State Media Matrix Typology: Captured Private (CaPr)

Ownership and governance

Kampuchea Thmey Daily has been under the ownership of Hun Mana, the eldest daughter of former Prime Minister Hun Sen, since 2020.

Source of funding and budget

The majority of the newspaper’s funding is derived from commercial sources, primarily advertising revenue. Given the association of the newspaper’s owner with the Prime Minister and his family members, there is a strong perception in Cambodia that the publication also accesses funds from the government. However, it is unlikely that this represents more than 50% of their total budget, according to local journalists and experts.

Editorial independence

The link with the family of the former Prime Minister Hun Sen is visible in the editorial line of the newspaper, which doesn’t, as a rule, criticize the current Prime Minister, Hun Manet, Hun Sen’s son.

Despite an exhaustive search, no evidence of statutes that would protect the independence of the journalists working for Kampuchea Thmey Daily has been identified. Furthermore, there is no independent assessment or oversight mechanism in place to validate its editorial independence.

September 2024