The Legal Daily (Fǎzhì Rìbào) is a publication that is exclusively dedicated to the dissemination of information pertaining to legal developments.

Media assets

Publishing: Fǎzhì Rìbào

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

The Chinese government exercises ownership of Legal Daily through the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Commission for Political and Legal Affairs.

Source of funding and budget

Local journalists and experts interviewed for this report in March 2024 have indicated that Legal Daily is fully funded by the government via the agency that owns it.

Editorial independence

Legal Daily is in complete compliance with the state policies of the Chinese government. Its content is subject to routine vetting by government censors, although there are no written norms that impose editorial rules on the outlet’s management.

There is no legal framework in place, nor an independent assessment mechanism, to validate the editorial independence of Legal Daily.

September 2024