National Broadcasting Services of Thailand (NBT)

National Broadcasting Services of Thailand (NBT) is a nationwide television station owned and operated by a government agency. The broadcaster oversees NBT Television, which airs programs to 11 affiliated stations, and Radio Thailand, which operates on nearly 150 radio frequencies across Thailand. In 2013, NBT launched NBT World, an English-language channel targeting a global audience.

Media assets

Television: NBT Television (affiliated stations: NNT1, NNT2, NNT3, NNT4, NNT5, NNT6, NNT7, NNT8), NBT Regional (Channel 11), NBT World

Radio: Radio Thailand, Radio Thailand World Service

Ownership and governance

As per the information provided by the broadcaster, NBT is a government agency that reports to the Public Relations Department (PRD) of the Prime Minister. It serves as an official government mass media outlet, with the primary objective of disseminating information regarding the government’s policies and activities. The organization was established in accordance with a government resolution dated January 15, 1985. All personnel in leadership roles at the broadcaster are government employees.

Source of funding and budget

According to data from the corporation, NBT is fully funded by the Thai government. Historically, NBT has encountered financial constraints due to the financial challenges faced by the Thai government. Foreign government grants, particularly those from Japan, have enabled the broadcaster to modernize its equipment and facilities. The most recent annual report from the broadcaster is from 2017.

In recent years, opposition politicians have criticized the government for allocating significant portions of the state budget to the PRD. The latest data indicates that the PRD’s 2024 budget is approaching THB 3 billion (approximately US$ 92 million).

Editorial independence

Local experts and journalists interviewed for this report in January 2024 confirm that strict rules on the editorial coverage of NBT-run media outlets are in place. Journalists at NBT are aware of the broadcaster’s mission and take it seriously, disseminating information about the government and representing the authorities in their work.

The broadcaster is structured as a state department, which means that there is no domestic statute in place that defines its editorial independence.

September 2024