Stolichnoye Televideniye (STV)

Stolichnoye Television (STV) commenced broadcasting in 2001 and has since expanded its signal across the country, with coverage now reaching a national audience. The broadcaster, which rebroadcasts the programs of the Russian television channel REN-TV, also oversees the RTR-Belarus TV channel, which serves as the local channel of the Russian station RTR Planeta.

Media assets

Television: STV, Belarus RTR

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

Stolichnoye Television (STV) was established as a closed joint-stock company in 2000. The station’s top management is appointed by the government through the Ministry of Information, which oversees the station’s operations. STV is majority-owned by state companies.

Our database indicates that the largest shareholder is Minsk Novosti, a state-owned company run by the municipality of Minsk, with a stake of over 70%. This information was collected from a Poland-based journalist in 2019. In accordance with local journalists and experts interviewed for this report in May 2024, the President of Belarus must approve the appointment of the STV CEO.

Source of funding and budget

STV is primarily financed through state funding, according to local experts and journalists interviewed for this report in May 2024. Additionally, the channel generates revenue from advertising, which is primarily sourced from state-owned enterprises.

Editorial independence

STV operates under the guidance of the government, which oversees the editorial direction of its news content. A review of the content published by the outlet online indicates a distinct bias towards authorities, with no critical articles targeting them.

To date, no domestic statute or independent assessment or oversight mechanism that would validate STV’s editorial independence has been identified.

September 2024