Tien Phong is a daily newspaper in Vietnam with a history dating back to the First Indochina War. At the time, it was one of the first revolutionary newspapers in Vietnam.

Media assets

Publishing: Tien Phong

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

Tien Phong newspaper is an official publication of the Communist Party of Vietnam, according to experts and journalists specializing in Vietnam interviewed for this report in June 2024.

Source of funding and budget

There is currently no transparency regarding the sources of funding behind Tien Phong. As indicated by the journalists and experts interviewed for this report in June 2024, the financial affairs of the newspaper are subject to strict control by the Communist Party, in line with the regulatory framework applicable to all media in Vietnam.

Editorial independence

Tien Phong operates as an official outlet of the Communist Party of Vietnam, which determines the editorial line of the publication, according to experts and journalists specializing in Vietnam interviewed for this report in June 2024.

To date, no domestic statute and no independent oversight mechanism to validate the editorial independence of Tien Phong has been identified.

September 2024