Voice of Ho Chi Minh City’s People

Voice of Ho Chi Minh City is the official radio broadcasting station of Ho Chi Minh City. The station broadcasts on four frequencies, making its programs accessible in other parts of the country, including the Hanoi area around the capital city.

Media assets

Radio: Voice of Ho Chi Minh City’s People

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

The Voice of Ho Chi Minh City is a joint venture between the Culture and Communication Department of the Ho Chi Minh City Administration and the Ho Chi Minh City Communist Party subsidiary. The station was established in accordance with Decision No. 55 of the government, dated 2014, which was made by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Source of funding and budget

The government has been the primary source of funding for Voice of Ho Chi Minh City for many years. However, in recent years, the government has encouraged the station to generate funding through its own activities with the goal of reducing the outlet’s dependence on the state budget. Information regarding the budget of Voice of Ho Chi Minh City is not publicly available. Given that commercial revenue in the media sector is concentrated in the hands of a government-controlled entity, according to journalists interviewed for this report in June 2024, it can be reasonably concluded that the funding of the Voice of Ho Chi Minh City is ultimately subject to state control.

Editorial independence

In accordance with the official guidelines, the Voice of Ho Chi Minh City is tasked with disseminating information and promoting the policies of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee. Therefore, the station’s editorial strategy is entirely aligned with the interests of the local administration, as defined by the relevant authorities.

To date, no domestic statute and no oversight mechanism to validate the editorial independence of Voice of Ho Chi Minh City have been identified.

September 2024