The government owns and operates several media outlets, including Rada, a television channel that provides coverage of parliamentary activities, Golos Ukrainy, a newspaper that also focuses on parliamentary issues, and Uryadovy Kuryer, a newspaper that reports on the actions of the government.

Media assets

Television: Rada

Publishing: Golos Ukrainy (Voice of Ukraine), Uryadovy Kuryer (Government Courier)

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

The government media’s management structures are appointed by the authorities, specifically Parliament and the government.

Source of funding and budget

All funding for government media is sourced from the state budget. In 2019, the parliamentary media received a state subsidy of UAH 44.7m (US$ 1.9m). A report about Ukrainian media revealed that Uryadovy Kuryer received a state subsidy of UAH 13.46m (US$ 572,000).

Editorial independence

The objective of government media is to provide coverage of the activities of the institutions that fund them, namely Parliament and the Government. Therefore, they are not independent. Local experts and journalists have indicated that the government media is not widely known in Ukraine, with few people following these outlets.

There is currently no domestic statute in place, nor any independent assessment or oversight mechanism, that would validate the editorial independence of the government-owned media outlets in Ukraine.

September 2024