China Daily was established in 1981 and has since grown to become the most circulated English-language newspaper in China. The company now has offices in most major Chinese cities, as well as several locations in the United States and Europe.

Media assets

Publishing: China Daily (Zhōngguó Qīngnián Bào), China Daily Hong Kong, China Daily Asia Weekly, China Daily US Edition, China Daily European Weekly, China Daily Africa

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

China Daily is managed by the Chinese Communist Party, which appoints its leadership and determines the editorial direction of the publication. It reports to the Central Propaganda Department of the Party.

Source of funding and budget

China Daily does not disclose financial performance information. Despite the presence of advertisements, the daily also receives substantial state subsidies, according to local journalists and industry experts interviewed for this report in March 2024.

The daily invested a considerable amount of capital in the United States, purchasing advertising space in prominent American publications to disseminate its content.

Editorial independence

China Daily is a propaganda tool utilized by the Chinese government to advance its perspectives and policies. The publication is renowned for its pro-government editorial stance and for the inaccuracies in its reporting, as well as for the dissemination of misinformation.

There is currently no legislation in place, nor an independent assessment or oversight mechanism, to validate the independence of China Daily.

September 2024