Directorate of Government Dailies

The government press in Afghanistan, comprising four principal newspapers, is overseen by a state directorate responsible for managing the country’s official press.

Media Assets

Publishing: Hewad Daily, Shariat Daily, Anis Daily, The Kabul Times

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

The government press is accountable to the Ministry of Information and Culture, which serves as the legal proprietor of the government-funded newspapers, according to journalists with expertise on the subject of Afghanistan interviewed for this report in February 2023.

Following the Taliban’s return, the department underwent a restructuring process, resulting in the formation of the Directorate of Government Dailies. This involved the consolidation of some titles and the introduction of new ones.

Source of funding and budget

The government press is wholly subsidized by the state, which provides funding to cover all expenses incurred by its newspapers. However, following the Taliban takeover in August 2021, the state-run newspapers are facing significant challenges due to the depletion of their financial resources.

Editorial independence

The editorial policy of the government press is subject to close control by the authorities, as it is directly subordinated to the Ministry of Information and Culture.

To date, no domestic statute and no independent assessment or oversight mechanism to validate the independence of the government press in Afghanistan has been identified.

September 2024