Ríkisútvarpið (RUV)

The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (Ríkisútvarpið, RÚV) is a public service organization established in 1930. Based in the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik, it broadcasts throughout the entire country and the surrounding fishing grounds. RÚV operates two television channels, two radio stations, and a digital radio program that is only accessible online. In addition, it provides 24-hour news coverage online. According to its reports, RÚV’s services are used by as many as 92% of Icelanders on a weekly basis.

Media assets

Television: RÙV (Sjónvarpið), RÙV 2; Radio: Rás 1, Rás 2

Internet/digital radio: Rondó

State Media Matrix Typology: Independent State-Funded and State-Managed (ISFM)

Ownership and governance

RÚV’s operations are regulated by the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service Act. RÚV is a Public Limited Company (PLC) owned by the Icelandic state. Its nine executive board members are nominated by the Parliament and elected annually during the General Assembly.

Parliament can nominate more people, and the broadcaster’s staff can also nominate two candidates. According to RÚV, the board is responsible for the company’s operations and ensuring that the RÚV Act’s legal provisions are complied with.

Source of funding and budget

RÚV is funded through a mix of television license fees and advertising sales. In 2021, the company generated ISK 2.37bn (US$ 18.7m) in revenue from commercial operations, mainly advertising. Additionally, the government grant, funded through the broadcast fee, amounted to ISK 4.6bn (US$ 36.8m), as reported in the company’s annual report.

Our methodology considers the license fee a public contribution, separate from government funding. In Iceland, the RÚV license fee, paid by all Icelanders aged 18 to 70, is collected by a government directorate. The collected revenues are then used to grant the broadcaster. The funds allocated from the state to the Icelandic public broadcaster are referred to as government payouts.

In 2022, RÚV generated about ISK 2.82bn (US$ 20m) from commercial operations and received a state allocation of ISK 5.08bn (US$ 36m), as stated in the company’s 2022 annual report. RÚV manages its advertising sales through a subsidiary called RÚV Sales. In 2023, RÚV had a total budget of ISK 8.7bn (US$ 60.6m).

Editorial independence

At RÚV, there are no signs of editorial control by authorities. The broadcaster considers itself an independent public service broadcaster. Its work is guided by a series of public service principles, such as its role to inform and educate, which are enshrined in the Act on Icelandic National Broadcasting Service. According to NGOs like Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and Freedom House, RÚV’s editorial independence is protected by an effective legal framework.

The Media Commission in Iceland conducts an annual independent assessment to determine if RÚV has met its public service obligations.

RÚV carries out a variety of activities geared towards engaging with the public as frequently as possible. According to its 2021 strategy, RÚV plans to significantly increase its interaction with the public by organizing focus groups, conducting a thorough analysis of audience data, and inviting the public to contribute ideas for programs during so-called “pitch days.”

August 2024