Agence Malienne de Presse et de Publicité (AMAP)

Agence Malienne de Presse et de Publicité (AMAP) is the state-run news agency in Mali, established in 1979. Besides its news content offering, the agency also runs L’Essor, which means “progress” in French. It is a state-owned national daily newspaper published in Bamako, the capital of Mali. The newspaper’s first edition appeared in 1949. Four years later, it became the publication of the main anti-colonial political party in French Soudan, as today’s Mali was then known. After a tumultuous history with numerous ownership changes, the newspaper was transferred to the government in 1991.

Media assets

News agency: AMAP

Publishing: L’Essor

Ownership and governance

Agence Malienne de Presse et de Publicité (AMAP) was created as a public service through the law 79-5/AN-RM of 29 November 1979. AMAP’s management is appointed by the government.

Source of funding and budget

According to media reports from L’Essor, AMAP operated with a budget of XOF 2.28bn (US$3.9 m) in 2023, a decrease of 6.81% compared to the previous year. The state subsidy was a total of XOF 815m (US$1.4 m), more or less the same as in 2022. AMAP had expenses of XOF 1.755bn in 2023. The agency aims to boost commercial revenues further to decrease its dependence on the state budget.

Editorial independence

Although in the past AMAP and its publications were known to be relatively free from government interference, the government has regained its position of influence at AMAP in recent years. According to four journalists from Mali interviewed between February and June 2024, AMAP is closely aligned with the government. One can’t say that the agency has the total freedom to publish anything.

During the latest round of research, no oversight or assessment mechanism to validate AMAP’s editorial independence or a domestic statute establishing AMAP’s editorial independence was identified.

July 2024