Tesfa News is a news portal run and funded by the Eritrean government. It was established in the year 2010.

Media assets

News agency: TesfaNews

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

Tesfa News is owned and governed by the government in Eritrea, according to information from two journalists based in Eritrea interviewed for this report in 2022.

Source of funding and budget

Tesfa News is fully funded by the Eritrean government, according to information from two journalists based in Eritrea who were interviewed for this report in 2022. Yet, the authorities have not released any information about the state budget allocated to Tesfa News.

Editorial independence

Like all media in Eritrea, Tesfa News strictly follows the government line. No domestic statute establishing the editorial independence of Tesfa News has been identified.

No independent mechanism for assessing or overseeing the editorial independence of Tesfa News has been identified.

June 2024