Radiodiffusion Television Sénégalaise (RTS)

Radiodiffusion Télévision Sénégalaise (RTS) is a public media company in Senegal. The broadcaster runs four television channels and a network of radio stations, including nationwide channels, an international radio station, and a chain of regional stations.

Media assets

Television: RTS1, RTS2, RTS3, RTS4, RTS5

Radio: Nationale, Thies, Mbacke, Kaolack, Kolda, Ziguinchor, Dakar FM, Matam, RSI

State Media Matrix Typology: State-Controlled (SC)

Ownership and governance

RTS was established through law no. 92-02 of 1992, replacing the ORTS, the former state media company created in 1973. RTS’ main governing structure is a Management Council consisting of 12 members who represent various ministries. The broadcaster’s director general is appointed by the President of Senegal. RTS is directly responsible to the Ministry of Culture and Communication.

Source of funding and budget

RTS is funded through a combination of license fees (all households in Senegal should pay that via their electricity bill), state subsidies and advertising revenues. In recent years, RTS has not disclosed data about its financial performance. According to local journalists and experts, the state subsidy represents the highest share of RTS’ total budget. Local experts say that the station has an annual budget of roughly XOF 11.3bn (US$ 20.8m).

The government also earmarked a budget of XOF 13bn in 2020 to cover the costs related to the broadcaster’s transition to digitization.

In March 2024, the former President of Senegal, Macky Sall, signed a decree that offers a series of financial benefits for RTS. These benefits help the broadcaster finance its investments, the broadcast rights to air major sports events, and some of the personnel costs. To generate funding for RTS, an audiovisual fee of 0.7% of the value of annual electricity consumption will be imposed on SENELEC, Senegal’s national electricity provider. The fee-based funding model is hoped to make RTS less dependent on the government and, hence, less vulnerable to potential pressures.

Editorial independence

RTS has always been perceived as a government propaganda tool due to its biased coverage that promotes and favors the authorities. According to local experts, the government has secured decades of control over the broadcaster’s editorial agenda through people appointed to its Management Council.

No domestic statute, independent oversight, or assessment mechanism to validate the broadcaster’s editorial independence has been identified.

July 2024